Invitación al Seminario de Investigación en Ecuador (Flacso) como parte del marco de International Workshop on Public Policy, próximo a celebrarse en los días 1 al 3 de julio del 2020.

Hacemos un llamado para integrar el Taller-Seminario (Call for papers)

Fecha límite para enviar abstract: 31 de Enero 2020

Invitación al taller-seminario: Challenges of the policy process in subnational governance: Low capacity, weaker states or simply just local features ?

El taller pretende juntar un grupo de 10 ponentes durante 2 o 3 días para discutir los trabajos en conjunto. Dependiendo de la calidad de los productos, el resultado final podría ser un libro colaborativo o un “special issue” para publicarse en alguna revista internacional. Para más información sobre el IWPP2 consultar:

Los detalles del Call aquí: 

Abstract de Workshop

“Challenges of the policy process in subnational governance: Low capacity, weaker states or simply just local features ? “

Policy studies and the studies about the policy process have used local governments as their units of observation. A normal tendency among these studies is to focus on the commonalities in order to provide the basis for extrapolation and theoretical external validity. The panel aims to focus on the singularities of the local realm, and how these could help to develop a more nuanced understanding of the policy process itself; perhaps even bringing new light to the main and well established assumptions in the policy literature. The panel aims to convene a multi-disciplinary group of scholars to discuss a diverse array of issues related to the study of the policy process at the subnational and local government levels. The panel welcomes all relevant theoretical and empirical papers that could contribute to the discussion of the local side of the policy process.